WildSafe Business Pledge Program

Every year, thousands of animals get into conflict with people in British Columbia as a result of human practices and behaviours. The WildSafe Business Pledge Program has been developed to encourage businesses to adopt practices that will reduce conflict with wildlife to keep their staff and patrons safe and wildlife wild. Through these actions, businesses are setting good examples in their community on how to safely co-exist with wildlife. To take the pledge, a business is required to follow best practices in solid waste management, provide adequate training to staff and support WildSafeBC’s safety and conflict reduction information.
Pledges are valid for one year and must be renewed on an annual basis. There is no cost to participate in the program. Businesses that are reviewed and approved by the local coordinator may also be featured in social media and other campaigns. In return, WildSafeBC will provide ongoing support to the business in the form of staff training, WildSafeBC materials (subject to budget constraints) and a WildSafeBC Business Pledge poster. This program is currently only available in communities with a WildSafeBC Program.
To learn more, contact your local WildSafeBC Community Coordinator or email bc@wildsafebc.com.
Check out this Business Pledge Journey with Wickaninnish Inn, located in Tofino, BC: